Ready to Plug in?
We welcome you to join Faith Church programs; just speak to the contact person for the activity you are interested in...
Church Staff (835-3167)
Rev. Jon Schultz, Pastor
Stacy True, Administrative Assistant
Barb Klampe, Choir Director/Accompanist
Altar Flowers/Sunday Worship Flowers
Church Office (835-3167)
Building Contacts
Neil Fruechte (835-7006)
Bulletin Board Coordinator
Kelly Boeddeker (507-201-7033)
(position is open)
Communion Preparation
Edy Barber (835-4572)
Confirmation Coordinator
Rev. Jon Schultz (835-3167)
Education Coordinator
Emma Norton Services Outreach
Fellowship Coordinator
Janet Welch (835-4678)
Flower Gardens
Clair Voshell (835-4122)
Greeter & Nursery Coordinator
Church Office (835-3167)
Bruce Stauffer (833-2979)
Kitchen Clean-Up Coordinator
Karen Ferch (833-2515)
Liturgist Coordinator
Church Office (507-835-3167)
Membership Care
Janet Welch (835-4678)
Stacy True, Administrative Assistant (507-835-3167)
Memorials Coordinator
Bruce Stauffer (833-2979)
Newsletter Coordinator
Church Office (835-3167)
Prayer Chain Coordinator
Sandy Voshell (835-4122)
Simpson Shelter Mission Outreach
Rev. Robert Hunter (835-3453)
Staff/Parish Relations (Personnel Committee)
Jarod True (833-3103)
Sunday Bulletins Contact
Church Office (835-3167)
UMCOR (UM Committee on Relief) Contact
Rev. Robert Hunter (835-3453)
UWF (Women’s Group/Circles) Chairs
Sherry Scholljegerdes (835-4304)
Karen Ferch (833-2515)
UMYF (UM Youth Fellowship) Coordinators
Pastor Jon (835-3167)
Usher & Acolyte Coordinators
Roger Walker (835-3044)
(position is open)
(position is open)
The following groups/organizations are not directly supported by Faith UMC;
however, members are actively involved who can help you connect with them:
CHARIS Prison Ministry Edy Barber (835-4572)
Habitat for Humanity Bob Hunter (835-3453)
Neighborhood Service Center (open)
NOMADS (RV Ministry) Wally Ruedy (835-7798)
Senior Center Lela Jones (835-7041)
Unidos En Cristo (Cursillo)