Waseca Faith United Methodist Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Engage the community, Equip those who respond, Empower them to go into the world as partners with God





Ready to Plug in? 
We welcome you to join Faith Church programs; just speak to the contact person for the activity you are interested in...


Church Staff (835-3167)

Rev. Jon Schultz, Pastor
Stacy True, Administrative Assistant
Barb Klampe, Choir Director/Accompanist
Altar Flowers/Sunday Worship Flowers
   Church Office (835-3167)
Building Contacts
   Neil Fruechte (835-7006)
Bulletin Board Coordinator
   Kelly Boeddeker (507-201-7033)
Church Historian
    (position is open)
Communion Preparation
     Edy Barber (835-4572)
Confirmation Coordinator
    Rev. Jon Schultz (835-3167)
Education Coordinator
Emma Norton Services Outreach
Fellowship Coordinator
   Janet Welch (835-4678)
Flower Gardens
   Clair Voshell (835-4122)
Greeter & Nursery Coordinator
 Church Office (835-3167)
   Bruce Stauffer (833-2979) 
Kitchen Clean-Up Coordinator
   Karen Ferch (833-2515)
 Liturgist Coordinator
    Church Office (507-835-3167) 
Membership Care
   Janet Welch (835-4678)
Membership Secretary
  Stacy True, Administrative Assistant (507-835-3167) 
Memorials Coordinator
   Bruce Stauffer (833-2979)
Newsletter Coordinator
   Church Office (835-3167)
Prayer Chain Coordinator
   Sandy Voshell (835-4122)
Simpson Shelter Mission Outreach
  Rev. Robert Hunter (835-3453)
Staff/Parish Relations (Personnel Committee)
 Jarod True (833-3103)
Sunday Bulletins Contact
   Church Office (835-3167)
UMCOR (UM Committee on Relief) Contact
   Rev. Robert Hunter (835-3453)
UWF (Women’s Group/Circles) Chairs
  Sherry Scholljegerdes (835-4304)
  Karen Ferch (833-2515)
UMYF (UM Youth Fellowship) Coordinators
     Pastor Jon (835-3167)
Usher & Acolyte Coordinators
   Roger Walker (835-3044)
Welcoming Committee
     (position is open)
Worship Committee
  (position is open)
The following groups/organizations are not directly supported by Faith UMC;
however, members are actively involved who can help you connect with them:
CHARIS Prison Ministry   Edy Barber (835-4572)
Habitat for Humanity    Bob Hunter (835-3453)
Neighborhood Service Center   (open)
NOMADS (RV Ministry)   Wally Ruedy (835-7798)
Senior Center   Lela Jones (835-7041)
Unidos En Cristo (Cursillo)